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CSUMB 205 - Image Class

A wrapper class for PIL's Image class for academic purposes

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CSU Monterey Bay CST205

Simple Multimedia Classes

Current Version: v0.8.12

This project offers students access to a simple RGB Image class, which is built on the use of the Image module in the PIL package. As PIL is no longer updated for Python 3, this package relies on Pillow.

This package assumes that the user is using at least Python 3.4.

If you have not installed Python 3.4.2 or greater, please download it from


If you are using Windows, make sure to check the option to add the python.exe to your path. PIP will not work otherwise. What option to check Be sure to change the red X to the same symbols as the above options

Windows 8 users will also need to download and install the numpy package manually from the link given.

Please start the Command Prompt program and try typing python. If you get back the error message "python" is not a recognized command, please restart your computer.

You can download this package through the use of PIP, a built-in package installer that comes with Python 3.4.2. Go to the start menu and open an administrator command prompt. Then run...

 pip install csumb205-multimedia

Before pressing enter, your Command Prompt screen should look similar to this... Command to type


On Mac OSX, you will have multiple versions of Python. You still need to install Python 3.4.2, but you will open Terminal, and type the command...

 pip3 install csumb205-multimedia

Before pressing enter, your Terminal screen should look like this... Command to type


If you already downloaded the package with PIP, but see that the version number has changed, you can simply update the package using PIP. Simply type this command...

 pip install --upgrade csumb205-multimedia

If you are on Mac OSX, please use pip3 instead of pip.

To check what version you have, type...

 pip freeze your Command Prompt/Terminal. A list of your installed modules will show, along with their version numbers.


For an introduction into how to use the different available classes, please see this page

For a more complete documentation of the different available classes, please see this page


The Python Package Index page for this package can be found here.